Message from the Coordinator
Dear Students and Esteemed Academics,
The Mevlana Exchange Program is a unique opportunity aimed at enhancing intercultural understanding and supporting international collaboration. This program, which takes place between Turkish higher education institutions and those of other countries, encourages student and academic staff exchanges.
Initiated with the regulation published on August 23, 2011, the Mevlana Exchange Program encompasses all higher education institutions worldwide, transcending geographical boundaries. Thus, it facilitates the building of bridges between cultures, allowing you to gain new perspectives and enhance your international experiences.
The program offers students the opportunity to study abroad for one (minimum) or two (maximum) semesters, while academic staff can teach abroad for a period ranging from one week (minimum) to three months (maximum).
To be eligible as a student, certain criteria must be met. Selection is based on the overall GPA of students, as well as language proficiency scores. Additionally, specific criteria are not required from academic staff applying to the Mevlana Exchange Program, other than language proficiency and not having previously benefited from the program, highlighting the flexibility of the program.
Students and academics who wish to take advantage of this exciting opportunity can contact our coordination office for more information about the application process and requirements. We are here to guide you, answer your questions, and assist you throughout the application process.
Remember that the Mevlana Exchange Program is not only an academic exchange opportunity but also an opportunity for personal development and enriching your intercultural understanding. We are delighted to support you in making the most of this experience.
Wee look forward to receiving your applications and expressing our great pleasure in welcoming you to Iğdır University.
Iğdır University Mevlana Exchange Program Coordinatorship